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Deck trends in 2023

Nov 26, 2023Nov 26, 2023




Warmer days are around the corner. Are you dreaming of renovating or decorating your deck? Here are five trends that may inspire you.

1. Indoor furniture. Outdoor furniture is becoming increasingly similar to what you’d find in your home. The main difference is its ability to withstand the elements.

2. Fun textiles. Decorate with various fabrics and textiles, using cushions, rugs, sunshades, throws, and hammocks to optimize your comfort.

3. Plants, plants, plants. Bring your deck to life with greenery. Choose hardy plants that will beautify your yard — and make you feel like you’re on a tropical holiday.

4. Eco-responsible materials. Recycled and environmentally sustainable fabrics, wood, and other building materials are definitely in this year.

5. Modular furniture. Many garden furniture retailers sell sofas and tables that you can configure in multiple ways, so you can readily adapt your deck to your needs and desires.

Finally, neutral colors, like gray, black, and brown, remain a winning choice for outdoor materials and furniture. Add personality to your deck with accessories like lanterns and LED lights.

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Discover your garden's personality: DIY soil test for acidity or alkalinity

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Curious about your garden's soil and how it might influence your plant choices? Well, whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a novice, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty. Let's conduct a simple DIY test to determine the acidity or alkalinity of your soil.

Commercial soil test kits are out there, and they’re wonderfully accurate. But let's say you’re impatient and just can't wait for one to arrive in the mail. There's a quick and straightforward test you can do with basic household items.

All you’ll need are two tablespoons of soil, half a cup of vinegar, distilled water, and half a cup of baking soda. Let's dive into the how-to, courtesy of

First up, place those two tablespoons of soil in a bowl and add that half cup of vinegar. Do you see fizzing? Congratulations! You’ve got yourself alkaline soil. If you didn't see any fizz, it's not a big deal. Move on to the next test.

Take another two tablespoons of soil and moisten it with some distilled water. Add half a cup of baking soda. If you see fizzing this time, it means your soil is acidic.

In the event that you don't see any fizzing with either of the tests, you’ve got yourself neutral pH soil – the Goldilocks of soils, if you will.

Knowing your soil's pH can help you create the optimal growing environment for your plants. Acidic soil? No problem! You can counter it with ground limestone. Alkaline soil? You can treat it with ground sulfur.

So, there you have it, folks. You’re just a bit of fizzing away from knowing your soil better and making your garden the most enviable on the block. And remember, the journey of a thousand gardens begins with a single soil test!




Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? If gardening exacerbates your symptoms to the point that you’re considering giving up your hobby, just know that there are solutions. Following these tips may allow you to enjoy growing flowers and plants again this summer.

1. Choose the right time to do your work. Avoid gardening on hot, dry days, as these conditions are conducive to high pollen levels. Plan your gardening sessions by checking the current pollen index in your area. When it's low, get outside!

2. Choose hypoallergenic plants. Some plants are much less allergenic than others, especially those pollinated by insects rather than wind. Ferns, hostas, azaleas, and rhododendrons are a few varieties you may want to try out in your garden.

3. Wear protective clothing and accessories. Even if the pollen index is low, make sure you still wear a mask, gloves, goggles with side shields, and a long-sleeved shirt to protect yourself.

Looking for trees or flowering plants to brighten up your yard? Inquire about allergy-friendly species. Happy gardening!




Are you thinking of creating a walkway to add elegance to your property? Here are five materials to consider.

1. Interlocking pavers. Available in a variety of designs, interlocking pavers provide a contemporary look. They’re durable and require little maintenance unless the surface is particularly porous.

2. Natural stone. Natural stone is robust and gives your yard a rustic look. Remember that the stone slabs must be carefully installed to ensure they lie flat and don't create a tripping hazard.

3. Mulch. Wood chips and bark are ideal for creating an organic-looking walkway. However, you must reapply the mulch yearly to maintain a neat look.

4. Crushed materials. Crushed stone, concrete, and brick are some of the most popular options. Make sure the size or shape of the aggregate isn't too bulky, making it uncomfortable to walk on.

5. Wood planks. A wooden walkway with closely spaced planks is esthetically pleasing. It's also ideal for wheelchair accessibility.

Before installing your walkway, you must carefully prepare the surface. Remove a layer of turf, raise the middle slightly to facilitate rainwater runoff, and apply the required underlay, like geotextile fabric, rock dust, or sand.

For professional results, hire a local landscaping company to complete your walkway.




Do you want to add plants to your yard to make it more attractive? Flowers are an obvious choice, but conifers can add striking contrast. Whether you choose standard size, bushy or dwarf, here are some of the advantages of planting evergreens:

• They shelter your home from cold winds, reducing your heating costs• They attract pretty birds to nest or take refuge• Many species can be pruned into elegant shapes like cubes, spheres, and cones• Unlike deciduous trees, which lose their foliage in winter, conifers retain their beautiful color and volume all year• Planting several conifers together can increase privacy in your yard and block out sound• Many types of conifers are edible and have medicinal properties

Cedars, spruces, false cypresses, junipers, and pines — visit your local nursery to find the ideal conifers to enhance your landscaping.




There's a familiar refrain that often echoes around family gatherings: "If only we’d asked Dad about that…". There's an inevitable longing for the tales untold and the sagas left unwritten. It is your mission, noble patriarch or matriarch, to gift future generations with the essence of your journey. A grand novel or an Academy Award-winning screenplay isn't necessary, a simple account from the heart will do. Or perhaps, you might even venture into a heartfelt video memoir. After all, your chronicles don't have to unfold in a sweeping epic but can gently unveil themselves as bite-sized anecdotes.

Let's plunge into the realm of yesteryears with these thoughtful themes that may ignite your memory and creativity:




Your home's soffits and fascia boards protect your attic and roof from water infiltration and keep pests out. Here are four signs it's time to have yours repaired or replaced.

1. The paint is peeling or flaking. Once the paint on your soffits and fascia begins to deteriorate, it creates an opening for moisture to permeate the boards. This can result in water damage to the roof, interior walls, and siding.

2. The gutters are loose. The soffit and fascia boards act as the support system for your gutters. Consequently, if you notice your gutters are wobbly and unsteady, the fascia or soffits likely require repair.

3. Pests are hanging around your home. Your soffits and fascia boards are designed to keep rodents, bugs, and other small critters from entering your home. Therefore, bite marks, nesting materials, or droppings in your attic often indicate that your soffits and fascia must be repaired.

4. There's little to no ventilation. Soffits provide ventilation and prevent condensation in your attic. If you notice that your home seems stuffy, your soffits are probably blocked or damaged.

Contact a local roofing contractor to inspect your soffits and fascia and make any necessary repairs.

Thank You to our Local Business Participants:

Let's plunge into the realm of yesteryears with these thoughtful themes that may ignite your memory and creativity: Familial Tapestry Professional Chronicles Chronicles of the Heart Voyages and Ventures Wisdom Well Earned 1. The paint is peeling or flaking. 2. The gutters are loose. 3. Pests are hanging around your home. 4. There's little to no ventilation. Thank You to our Local Business Participants: